Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Advent Week 1: Wednesday - "Jesus Christ Came to visit us in great humility"

Dew on fresh grass

Humility is a perennial favorite. I usually think of how I want first prize for being humble, for having humility. As the old joke goes, "if I go around crowing about winning the prize for humility I have just lost it..." But You, Lord, humble? I think of you as Creator, Saviour, the God of All reigning in Majesty and Splendor! Your Majesty and Splendor ranges from the mountains to the dew on the grass to the stars in the sky. You are the Creator of the Universe!

But... When you came to visit us you chose to come into the world just as each of us: Born a baby, dependent on your mother and father to feed you, to keep you safe, even to move you to another country when you were in danger. When tempted in the desert you simply kept praying. When your mother asked you for more wine at the wedding you simply did as asked. You didn't make a splashy show of turning the water into wine, nor did you make a scene that it was not yet time... And in the end You chose, with only a simple confirmation that Your death was not to be avoided, do die, just as we each will die.

A Prayer: Oh Lord, thank you for giving me life and giving me today. Help me to simply do what is before me, neither complaining nor waiting for praise and recognition. And when I feel the call to complain, or the need for recognition, help me to remember Your visit to us, and the humility and strength you displayed. Amen.

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