Friday, December 4, 2020

Advent Week 1: Friday - "Mortal Life and Life Immortal"


Mountains and valleys in the mist

" in the time of this mortal life...we may rise to life immortal..."

Can we really know life immortal? I know my mortal life, the one I have lived since I was born. From my first memories to today, that is the span of what I understand as "mortal." I experience the birth and death of those around me. But what of this "immortal" life? I hear stories of those before me and I have hopes for those living after me, but all I really know is based on the now that I live in...

Life immortal? What does it mean? We get glimpses in the stories of the bible. Do we really know what immortal is? Today the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31) came to my mind. In that story a chasm separates the Rich Man from Lazarus, just as my life today is separate from my immortal life to come. I cannot clearly see immortal life today, the path between now and there is misty and confusing with the glowing city of God just visible on a good day, far in the distance. My life getting to that city is like tramping through hills and valleys covered with clouds, the mountain peaks on the horizon bathed in the sun... With God's help, I will safely travel to life immortal. 

A Prayer: The views here on earth call me, and I thank You. Your words of heaven above call me, and I thank you. Thank you for being with me, and all of us. We praise you for  giving us the glimpses that keep us moving on the path to immortal life. Amen.

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