Praise the Lord, O my soul! *
I will praise the Lord as long as I live;
I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.
Psalm 146:1
From Easter until the first of November, the winter arrangement for the number of psalms is followed. But because summer nights are shorter, the readings from the book are omitted.
Benedict's Rule, 10:1-2 (Chittister, Pg. 106)
...the message of Benedictine spirituality is a consistent one: live life normally, live life thoughtfully, live life profoundly, live life well. Never neglect and never exaggerate.(From my journal entry on Thursday 12-Feb-2015)
Chittister, Pg. 106
I see the message here is living life. Not necessarily the life that I think I "should" have, but to live the life that I do have. I am not here to create my own world, but to be a part of the existing world, the world God has created. All the "I wishes" and "it should bes" are not what is. I can't start someplace other than right here, where I am. Even if I know the hilltop right over there provides a better view, I am not there. I start where I am so I can move to "there".
Just because I am on this path doesn't mean I am something different from myself. I am still me. I do, however, see places I want to go, and thus can move from where I am.
A Note To Anyone Reading:
This entry is part of a series that is developing as I read The Rule of Benedict, A Spirituality for the 21st Century, Joan Chittister, OSB, Crossroads, 2010. I am offering this both to those at St. George's Episcopal Church, Arlington VA, that may be reading this book and to anyone that is interested.Unless stated otherwise quotes from St. Benedict's Rule are from the translation in this same book.Psalms are from The Book of Common Prayer, The Episcopal Church, 1979 unless otherwise noted.
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